A Better Way to Die

Set along the highways of the U.S. heartland, the story follows the journey of an ex-cop who is inadvertently thrust into a fierce struggle between...

Starring: Andre Braugher, Benjamin John Parrillo, Bernard Canepari, Carmen Argenziano, Daniel Buran, Jack Conley, Jeanine Basinger, Joe Pantoliano, Lou Diamond Phillips, Mirjana Jokovic, Mo Gallini, Natasha Henstridge, Richard Fike, Richard Haje, Rick Hoffman, Rolando Molina, Scott Wiper, Tony Sagastizado I, Wayne Duvall, Zachary Mott
Genre: Action
Countries: USA
Release Date: March 29, 2001
Runtime: 96 mins
IMDb Rating: A Better Way to Die (2001) on IMDb

2.91/5 - (47 Votes)

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